Trends Shaping The Video Production Industry

The future of video production is definitely exciting! It used to be that only professionals had access to awesome camera gear and editing tools. Today, just about anyone with basic internet skills and access to a camera that’s capable of shooting digital footage has what it takes to create exciting videos their audience will want to watch. Technology makes this possible, and looking at how far we’ve come, it’s thrilling to think about where video production will go in the future. Today, people can attach cameras to themselves, their bike helmets, their pets…

So here we can check few trends shaping the Video production industry

Camera resolution keeps going up, but for marketers, it doesn’t matter, 4k video cameras were new and exciting. Not anymore – 4k video production has become an expected part of video production companies services. Because video marketing means video delivered on the web, and the web is just starting to figure out a 4k video. It can’t handle video at higher resolutions. In fact, almost all video currently delivered on the web is a maximum of 1,920 pixels wide.

Drone video popularity keeps increasing, which require pilot certification for commercial drone applications like video. Now that there’s a clear process for certification, more and more video production houses are adding drone pilot certification to their qualifications, and drone video to their offerings. At the same time, drone manufacturers have continued to introduce new models with better performance and higher camera resolution. Given that drones can provide, at a very reasonable price, the visually stunning aerial shots that used to take a helicopter, the trend is obvious.

The Facebook video gets more complex – and more important, With this kind of popularity, Facebook video’s importance to marketers continues to increase. Facebook videos are a critical tool for marketers, but marketers must understand best practices to avoid wasting their video production dollars.

Social media video is now a specialty, When it comes to video, social platforms continue to diverge. To succeed with video on social media, marketers must understand each platform’s optimal formats and best practices, so they can create unique video versions that fit each platform – including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube.

Live streaming video keeps getting hotter, live is so popular, marketers need to figure out how best to integrate live into their content strategies. But life doesn’t work like other content that you create, place, and then attract people to. With life, you must attract people first, so they’re there and ready when you start your live stream. Live video streaming is everywhere – from apps like Facebook Live, Snapchat, YouTube.

Video production is now guided by video analytics, Marketers now understand what specifically connects with their audiences, and what doesn’t. They can stop creating video content their audience doesn’t care about, and focus resources on the content their audience finds interesting and useful. Audiences also benefit, as the video content they receive better reflects their needs and wants. A critical component of video production is becoming the detailed analysis of video content performance.

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